Saturday 9 May 2015

Aspects Of Personal Development

Aspects Of Personal Development

There are many aspects of our lives that help define who we are and how we feel. One of the largest areas of our lives is related to the work that we do or our profession. Therefore this aspect tends to form the most important part of our own personal development.

There are some simple questions that you need to ask yourself regarding the current job you do. Do you enjoy your work or do you just slog away to earn the money you need to survive? Does your work leave you with a sense of fulfillment or does it seem to suck the joy out of your life?

You may be surprised to know that a large percentage of people work just to earn money and take no pleasure in what they do. This in itself is not always a bad thing because money earned can be used to buy some enjoyment such as funding holidays, hobbies, etc.

On the other hand, people who work only for remuneration may not know what they are missing. True fulfillment can really only be achieved when all areas of your life are balanced and compliment each other.

Keep in mind that most of the hours of every day are spent working. If you are truly unhappy in your job, you may spend this time thinking about other things you could be doing or where else you could be. This means that not only are you making yourself unhappy going to work every day, but that you are not giving your job the focus and attention it may deserve.

Finding yourself in this position does not mean that you should just quit and find something new to do. In some cases, for some people this may be a good option, but loosing an income in the current economy may leave you worse off than you are now.

There are however other actions that you can take to improve your work life. Find what it is about your job that you do like and focus on these areas. The parts of your job that you don't like are not going to go away, but you may spend less time thinking about the bad by focusing on the good.

Find out more about moving into a different position within the organisation you are working in. This may not be a better position than you are currently employed in but could be a happier position.

Take a training course or find a mentor to help improve your skills. You will be amazed at how much better you feel about the job you are doing if you are better able to do the job.A life coach or personal development manager can also help you with more ways in which you can improve your work life.

In any aspect of personal development it is important to take your happiness and well-being into your own hands. So take control of your work life by making better choices that leave you more fulfilled.

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