Saturday 9 May 2015

Being Kind To Yourself: A Short Guide

Being Kind To Yourself: A Short Guide


A lot of people don't realize how important it is to be kind to yourself. They think it a silly, immature notion, but they don't realize that being kind to yourself is one of the best things you can do in your life.

Think about it, you are probably not that kind to yourself when you are in deep thought. At least once this week, you may have called yourself an idiot, fat, crazy or some other negative adjective. And the truth is this: when we are not comfortable with ourselves, no one else is going to be comfortable with us either. That is why it is absolutely imperative for you to make sure that you are being kind and gentle with yourself. Here are some tips to help you to do that.

First, monitor the thoughts you are thinking. Everyone is unkind to themselves sometimes, but you have to think seriously about how you talk to yourself on a regular basis. When is the last time you thought something nice about yourself? If you're like a lot of people, you simply cannot remember. That is unfortunate.

Make a conscious effort to have more positive self-talk. This sounds very strange, but it works: start with an "I love you" in the morning to yourself in the mirror. It seems silly at first, but over time, you will find that it feels more comfortable to you to say that. You will find that you are happier over time, as well.

Do something you like to do each day. All of us get caught up with problems and work and life, that many times we don't get to do something we enjoy for days or weeks. Treat yourself like you would treat anyone you care about, and allow yourself one fun thing every day. It doesn't have to last a long time, but make room for it each day in your life.

Make sure that you surround yourself with like-minded people. Don't spend time with people who tear you down. That will put your mind on a path it doesn't need to be on. Keep your mind positive by spending time with positive people who are kind to you.

Start a notebook and write in it good things about yourself. People are reluctant to compliment themselves, lest they seem conceited, but it's a good idea to go down the list of your virtues every now and then. Writing them down is a helpful thing to do, so when you feel that you're a mess, you can simply look back over the notebook and see that you are fantastic.

You might be out of practice being kind to yourself, but the suggestions in this article are going to hopefully help you if you put them in practice. It is important that you take the time to try each of these tips. Even if you get just a little relief from life by being good to yourself, it's worth it.

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